


宋力,, 1994年生,博士,武汉理工大学bwin必赢交通工程系副研究员。围绕智能交通系统控制、网联无人驾驶技术仿真、人工智能算法、以及交通安全大数据分析等领域开展相关研究及技术攻关。 在交通领域国际期刊累计发表论文20,第一或通讯作者SCI 11,以主要完成人参与美国交通部CAMMSE交通研究中心及北卡交通部自动驾驶研究中心项目2项。


English Homepage: https://lisong2019.github.io/web/

地址:湖北省武汉市和平大道1040号 bwin必赢, 430063










2019.8- 2022.8博士,美国北卡罗莱纳大学夏洛特分校,基建与环境工程系,交通系统;




The latest paper please refer tohttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Li-Song-53;


1.Song, L., Fan, W.# and Li, Y. (2021). Time-of-day variations and the temporal instability of multi-vehicle crash injury severities under the influence of alcohol or drugs after the Great Recession. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 32, 100183. (SCI, JCR 1|中科院1, IF:11.8)

2.Song, L.,Fan, W.,# Li, Y., Wu, P. (2021). Exploring pedestrian injury severities at pedestrian-vehicle crash hotspots with an annual upward trend: a spatiotemporal analysis with latent class random parameter approach, Journal of Safety Research, 76, 184-196. (SCI, JCR 1|中科院2, IF: 3.5)

3.Song, L.,Li, Y., Fan, W.#, and Wu, P. (2020). Modeling pedestrian-injury severities in pedestrian-vehicle crashes considering spatiotemporal patterns: insights from different hierarchical Bayesian random-effects models. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 28, 100137. (SCI, JCR 1|中科院1, IF:11.8)

4.Song, L.and Fan, W.# (2020). Combined latent class and partial proportional odds model approach to exploring the heterogeneities in truck-involved severities at cross and T-intersections, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 144, 105638. (SCI, JCR 1|中科院1, IF: 5.0)

5.Song, L.and Fan W.# (2021). Traffic signal control under mixed traffic with connected and automated vehicles: a transfer-based deep reinforcement learning approach. IEEE ACCESS. 9, 145228-145237. (SCI, JCR 2|中科院2, IF: 3.4)

6.Song, L.,Li, Y., Fan, W.,# Liu, P. (2021). Mixed logit approach to analyzing pedestrian injury severity in pedestrian-vehicle crashes in North Carolina: considering time of day and day of week, Traffic Injury Prevention. (SCI, JCR 4, IF: 1.5)

7.Song, L.,Fan, W.,# Liu, P. (2021). Exploring the effects of connected and automated vehicles at fixed and actuated signalized intersections with different market penetration rates, Transportation Planning and Technology, 44(6), 577-593. (SCI, JCR 4, IF: 1.2)

8.Song, L.,Fan, W.# (2021). Exploring truck driver-injury severity at intersections considering heterogeneity in latent classes: a case study of North Carolina, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 10(2), 110-120.

9.Song, L.,Chen, J.#, et. al. (2018). Periodical characteristics of shipbuilding market activity: A wavelet analysis. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 26(5), 692-702. (SCI, JCR 4, IF: 1.4)

10. Chen, J., Xue, K., Song, L.#,et al. (2019). Periodicity of world crude oil maritime transportation: Case analysis of Aframax Tanker market. Energy Strategy Reviews, 25, 47-55. (SCI, JCR 2, IF:6.4, 通讯作者)

11. Wang, X., Song, L.#,Wu, Z., Wu, P. (2019). Development of a freeway traffic noise prediction model based on equivalent sound source at the shoulder. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport. (SCI, Q4, IF:1.1, 通讯作者)

12. Li, Y., Song, L.and Fan, W.# (2021). Day-of-the-week variations and temporal instability of factors influencing pedestrian injury severity in pedestrian-vehicle crashes: a random parameters logit approach with heterogeneity in means and variances. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 29, 100152. (SCI, JCR 1|中科院1, IF:11.8)

13. Wu, P., Song, L.,Meng, X.# (2022). Temporal analysis of cellphone-use-involved crash injury severities: Calling for preventing cellphone-use-involved distracted driving. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 169, 106625. (SCI, JCR 1|中科院1, IF: 5.0)

14. Wu, P., Song, L.,Meng, X.# (2021). Influence of built environment and roadway characteristics on the frequency of vehicle crashes caused by driver inattention: a comparison between rural roads and urban roads. Journal of Safety Research. (SCI, JCR1|中科院2, IF: 3.5)

15. Wu, P., Meng, X.#, Song, L.(2021). Bayesian space-time modeling of bicycle and pedestrian crash risk by injury severity levels to explore the long-term spatiotemporal effects. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 581, 126171. (SCI, JCR2|中科院2, IF:3.3)

16. Wu, P., Meng, X.#, Song, L.(2021). Identification and spatiotemporal evolution analysis of high-risk crash spots in urban roads at the microzone-level: using the space-time cube method. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security (SCI, Q3, IF:3.0)

17. Wu, P., Meng, X.#, Song, L.(2020). A novel ensemble learning method for crash prediction using road geometric alignments and traffic data. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security. 12(9), 1128-1146. (SCI, Q3, IF:3.0)

18. Wu, P., Meng, X.#, Song, L.,Zuo, W. (2019). Crash risk evaluation and crash severity pattern analysis for different types of urban junctions: fault tree analysis and association rules approaches. Transportation research record, 2673(1), 403-416. (SCI, Q3, IF:1.6)

19. Wang, X.#, Song, L.,Wu, P., Yu, S. (2019). Analysis of unconventional design for signalized and closely-spaced T-intersections. In 2019 19th COTA conference International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2636-2647. (EI)

20. Wang, X.#, Song, L.,Wu, P. (2018). A novel method of island port’s transport: automatic guided vehicle approach. In 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering, 219-224. (EI)





本科生课程: 1. 交通人工智能与机器学习(4180128220); 2. 车联网与车路协同综合实验(4180679170);

研究生课程: 1. 自动驾驶交通安全理论与方法(00212069); 2. 交通系统管理与控制(智能交通系统部分, 00223005); 3. 交通系统管控方法与实践(智能交通控制部分, 00241070);




2019.8-Now审稿: Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), Cogent Engineering, Connection Science, COTA International Conference for Transportation Professionals, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology.


2022 “国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”,中国国家留学基金管理委员会(600 per year)

2021 “Don Blackburn 纪念奖学金”,北卡州交通工程师协会,美国(1%, 21)

2021 “Paul D. Cribbins Cup” 奖杯, UNCC, 北卡州交通工程师协会,美国(1%, 4)

2018 “研究生国家奖学金”(3%, 110)

2018 “杰出汇报奖”, ICITE 2018新加坡国际智能交通会议(5%, 116)

2016 “二等奖”,美国数学建模竞赛(20%, 37338)

2015 “二等奖”,全国大学生数学建模大赛(3.4%, 85955)

2017 “上海市优秀毕业生”(5%, 174000)

2015 “上海市奖学金”(1%, 113)

