
Paper submission and registration


Submission deadline of Camera  Ready paper: September 30, 2023

Download for the instruction of Camera Ready paper submission: 

Submission of Camera Ready Paper(2).docx

Download for the registration form of iCaMaL2023:

iCaMaL 2023 Regstration Form.docx

Downdload instruction for payment of iCaMaL2023 registration fees:

Instruction for payment of iCaMaL2023 registration fees.docx

注册及退款/Registration and refund

§论文正式出版要求录用的论文至少有一名作者在2023101日前完成注册(A,B,C,D类),否则论文将被视为作者主动撤回而不予发表。The official publication of a paper requires that at least one author of the accepted paper has completed registration (categories A, B, C, or D) by October 1, 2023, otherwise the paper will be considered withdrawn by the author and will not be published.

§学生参会者 需要提供学生证或院系领导开具的相关证明。Student participants are required to provide their student ID or a certificate issued by the department leader.

§IEEE 会员 必须提供会员编号。IEEE members must provide their membership number

§缴纳注册费者可享有下述权利:获会议论文集(USB(E类注册者除外);参加大会及分会场学术报告;餐费,上、下午茶点。Those who pay the registration fee enjoy the following rights: Access to conference Proceedings (USB) (except for Class E registrants); Attend academic presentations at conferences and sub-conferences; Enjoy lunches and dinners, upper and afternoon refreshments.

§退款: 所有的论文作者注册将不予退款。对已支付注册费的非论文作者,若确实不能参会,请于20231020前发邮件至icamal@whut.edu.cn告知,可退回原注册费的50%。超过该时间将不予退款。Refunds: All author registrations will be non-refundable. For non-authors who have paid the registration fee and are unable to attend the conference, please email icamal@whut.edu.cn before October 20, 2023. 50% of the original registration fee will be refunded. No refund will be given after this time.

§填写发票信息:在缴费时根据发票类型填写发票信息/Confirm billing information: Fill in the invoice information according to the invoice type when paying the bill

o   电子普票:社会信用代码、单位名称、开户行、银行账号、单位地址电话、发票内容、联系电话及邮箱/ Electronic general invoice: tax number, affiliation name, bank, bank account, address and telephone, Invoice content, phone number and email

o   纸质发票:社会信用代码、单位名称、开户行、银行账号、单位地址电话、发票内容/Paper invoice: tax number, affiliation name, bank, bank account, address and telephone, Invoice content

请先完成支付,然后将注册表发送邮件至meijieben@foxmail.comicamal@whut.edu.cn,或者登陆“ICAMAL2023”微信群完成注册。通过关注“LOBOT”公众号——后台回复“ICAMAL2023”获取群二维码——扫码进入“ICAMAL2023”微信群。Please complete the payment first, and then send your registration form to emailmeijieben@foxmail.com, icamal@whut.edu.cn, or log in the "ICAMAL2023" wechat group to complete the registration. The way to enter the group: Follow the WeChat Official Accounts called LOBOT----Input “ICAMAL2023” to the LOBOT to get the QR code of the group---Scan the QR to enter the group called ICAMAL2023.

联系邮箱/Contact email:meijieben@foxmail.com, icamal@whut.edu.cn